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Research at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has shown that T cells, a type of white blood cell, may be altered to fight aging. 

In a mouse model, T cells countered a cell type linked to aging, reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system, suggesting that CAR T cell treatment has the potential to reverse aging, per Medical News Today.

The immune system relies on T cells and lymphocytes to detect and eliminate viruses and bacteria. T cells’ distinct subsets target particular diseases, with some maintaining the capacity to fight early-life viruses throughout an individual’s lifespan.

The study focuses on reprogramming T cells through CAR T-cell therapy to eliminate senescent cells, the cells that cease replication and contribute to inflammation, adversely affecting tissue function as one ages.

Unlocking the Fountain of Youth? New Research Suggests Reprogramming T Cells to Reverse Aging

(Photo : YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP via Getty Images)

Elderly people work out with wooden dumb-bells in the grounds of a temple in Tokyo.

A Promising Treatment for Various Diseases

Over the years, this research has expanded T-cell uses in disease treatment, leading to CAR T-cell therapy for cancer. Aside from cancer, CAR T-cell therapy is being studied for autoimmune illnesses and viral infections, including HIV and hepatitis C.

In December, Nature reported findings presented at the American Society of Hematology meeting proposing an innovative CAR T cell therapy approach. Rather than the conventional method of extracting and purifying T cells, researchers are exploring the direct injection of a virus into patients to simplify and reduce the cost of this highly effective but expensive cancer treatment.

The virus would carry the necessary genes to guide T cells in targeting tumor cells, eliminating the need for complex and costly cell extraction procedures. This novel approach holds promise for simplifying and democratizing CAR T therapy, potentially expanding its accessibility.

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Assistant Professor Corina Amor Vegas and her colleagues at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory showed that CAR T cells may remove senescent cells in mice, improving metabolic functioning, glucose tolerance, and physical activity. Notably, this was achieved without inducing tissue damage or toxicity.

The longevity of CAR T cells presents a significant advantage, with a single dose administered at a young age showing lifelong effects. This approach offers protection against conditions like obesity and diabetes that commonly manifest in later life.

The Power of CAR T Cells

Amor Vegas highlighted the potential of CAR T cells, emphasizing their ability to develop memory and persist in the body for extended periods, offering a stark contrast to chemical drugs requiring frequent administration. This breakthrough research introduces new possibilities for therapeutic interventions in age-related diseases.

“With CAR T cells, you have the potential of getting this one treatment, and then that’s it. For chronic pathologies, that’s a huge advantage. Think about patients who need treatment multiple times per day versus you get an infusion, and then you’re good to go for multiple years,” the expert noted, as quoted by an article by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Dr. Yi Zhang, a Center for Discovery and Innovation director and Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine professor, praised Vegas’ work for its novel approach, saying that the study’s effectiveness shows that programming T cells with CARs specific to senescent cell markers might improve aging patients’ health.

Dr. Zhang also suggested further investigating “how the study using a mouse system can be translated into a senolytic therapy in humans.”

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