Italian Researchers Unveil World’s First Completely Edible, Rechargeable Batteries
(Photo: Image via Reuters/YouTube)
In a groundbreaking achievement that merges advanced technology with sustainability, the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) has introduced the world’s first fully edible and rechargeable batteries. These batteries not only pave the way for revolutionary advancements in the field of electronics, but also prioritize safety, environmental friendliness, and cost-effectiveness.
The creation of these innovative batteries relies on the use of food-grade materials such as beeswax, seaweed, and edible gold. Fabrizo Mario Ferrarese, a Ph.D. student at IIT, who has been actively involved in the project, explained that the batteries are made of cellulose with a layer of edible gold foil on top. Inside, there are edible molecules that act as oxidation-reduction agents, similar to traditional batteries. The battery is then protected by an edible beeswax coating.
Although these edible batteries may not currently have the capability to charge smartphones, they represent a significant leap forward in sustainable technology. The proof-of-concept battery can operate at 0.65 V, sustaining a current of 48 µA for 12 minutes. This achievement marks the beginning of a promising journey towards batteries that are not only safe but also eco-friendly.
The IIT researchers are also working on the Electronic Food (ELFO) Project, which is funded by the European Union. ELFO aims to revolutionize how we interact with food by tracking the food supply chain and monitoring the health of our gastrointestinal tract. Unlike current ingestible electronics made from unsuitable materials, ELFO aims to replace traditional electronic components with edible materials like cellulose and honey. These edible pills can act as gastrointestinal probes, allowing for safe exploration of the digestive system and the potential for early diagnosis of health issues.
The overarching vision of IIT and the ELFO Project is to develop environmentally friendly, cost-effective, energy-efficient technology that is safe for consumption. These devices will fulfill their purpose within the body and either be digested or metabolized, leaving no environmental footprint.
The achievements of the Italian researchers in creating edible and rechargeable batteries and advancing the ELFO project demonstrate their commitment to sustainable and innovative technology. These groundbreaking developments have the potential to revolutionize not only the field of electronics but also the way we interact with food and monitor food safety. Stay updated on these exciting advancements at Tech Times.
(Photo: Tech Times Writer John Lopez)
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Tags: Italian Institute of Technology, Edible Batteries, Rechargeable Batteries, Sustainable Technology, ELFO Project
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