CDC Reports Highest-Ever Suicide Rate in US for 2022, with Over 49,000 Deaths

The latest report from the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) has revealed a disturbing increase in the number of suicide cases in the country. According to the study, more than 49,000 Americans took their own lives in 2022, marking a 3% rise from the previous year. Sally Curtin, the statistician and lead author of the study, called this figure the highest ever reported.

The report also highlighted the impact of the increase across different age groups and ethnicities. Suicide rates saw a significant rise among those over 35 and people of Hispanic origin. The most notable increase was among 55 to 64-year-old males, with a 10% rise. Men aged 75 and older had the highest suicide rate in 2022 at 43.7 per 100,000.

On the other hand, there was a promising decrease in suicide rates among young people. The study showed an 18% and 9% drop in suicide rates for 10 to 14 and 15 to 24-year-olds, respectively. This decline has been attributed to national and localized efforts to improve adolescent mental health awareness.

In an effort to address the issue, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s senior vice president of research, Jill Harkavy-Friedman, emphasized the importance of a national focus on addressing suicide.

Meanwhile, a recent study published in Frontiers in Global Women’s Health highlighted the potential of AI chatbots in easing depression among mothers. The study found that an AI chatbot on the mental health app Wysa significantly reduced depressive symptoms in pre-and postnatal women, offering a promising alternative to traditional mental health services.

The findings from both reports indicate the need for continued efforts to address mental health issues across different age groups and demographics. The increasing use of AI technologies also shows great promise in providing efficient and accessible mental health treatments.

In conclusion, the latest statistics on suicide rates in the US serve as a wake-up call for the urgent need to address mental health issues and provide effective support and resources to those in need.

By admin

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