New Study Suggests Wearable Gadgets Can Prevent Astronauts From Getting Lost in Space

Wearable Devices with Vibrating Elements Offer Potential Solution to Astronaut Disorientation in Space, Study Finds

A new study conducted by scientists from Brandeis University suggests that wearable devices equipped with vibrating elements may help address spatial disorientation experienced by astronauts during spaceflight. The research, reported by, highlights the significant challenge faced by astronauts in the absence of familiar cues in the microgravity environment.

Lead author Dr. Vivekanand P. Vimal emphasizes the vulnerability of astronauts to spatial disorientation, particularly during long-duration spaceflights. “Long-duration spaceflight will cause many physiological and psychological stressors, which will make astronauts very susceptible to spatial disorientation,” said Vimal.

To evaluate the effectiveness of vibrotactors in simulated spaceflight conditions, the researchers employed sensory deprivation techniques and a multi-axis rotation device. The study involved 30 participants, with 10 undergoing training in balancing using the rotation device, 10 equipped with vibrotactors, and the remaining 10 receiving a combination of both interventions.

Participants in the vibrotactor group underwent additional training tasks designed to disengage their natural vestibular senses and rely on vibrotactor feedback. These tasks included locating concealed non-upright balance points while blindfolded and listening to white noise. Vibrotactors were affixed to each arm and emitted vibrations when participants deviated from the balance point.

The trials consisted of 40 attempts to maintain the rotation device as close to equilibrium as possible. Half of the trials replicated Earth-like conditions with natural gravitational cues, while the other half simulated a spaceflight-like scenario with the absence of gravitational cues.

After each trial, participants assessed their disorientation level and trust in vibrotactors. The study evaluated collision frequency and participants’ balance control. While all groups initially experienced disorientation in the simulated spaceflight, vibrotactor-equipped participants outperformed those with training only. The latter group showed more collisions, unstable balance, and increased movement. The combined training and vibrotactor group demonstrated the highest proficiency.

If successful in broader trials, these wearable sensors could have various applications in spaceflight, including ensuring safe planetary landings and supporting extravehicular activities. The findings of the research team were published in the journal Frontiers in Physiology.

Overall, this study provides promising insights into the potential of wearable devices with vibrating elements to mitigate spatial disorientation in astronauts during spaceflights. Further research and development will be necessary to optimize the effectiveness of these devices and improve astronauts’ orientation in microgravity environments.

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