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In a recent podcast conversation with Bill Gates, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman expressed concern about the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), emphasizing the remarkable speed of the AI revolution significantly faster than previous technological transformations.

In the Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates podcast episode, Sam Altman underscored the challenge for society to adapt rapidly, particularly in evolving labor markets.

“We’ve seen that with the great technological revolutions of the past. Each technological revolution has gotten faster, and this will be the fastest by far. That’s the part that I find potentially a little scary, is the speed with which society is going to have to adapt, and that the labor market will change,” he said, as quoted by Mint. While current AI systems primarily perform tasks rather than entire jobs, Altman anticipates a shift where AI could both replace and create new, improved job opportunities. 

Moreover, Altman disclosed his investments in robotics companies, envisioning a future where AI models, including OpenAI’s, leverage language understanding and video comprehension.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Expresses Concerns Over Rapid Speed of AI Revolution

(Photo : Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)
OpenAI Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman walks on the House side of the U.S. Capitol on January 11, 2024 in Washington, DC.

What to Expect from GPT-5

Addressing the progress of AI, Sam Altman outlined expected milestones in the next two years, with a focus on enhancing reasoning ability and reliability. Referring to OpenAI’s GPT-4, he acknowledged its capability to evaluate most questions 10,000 times but stressed the need to enhance reliability by consistently providing the best responses.

The OpenAI CEO identified customization and personalization as key areas for improvement in GPT-4. He emphasized the necessity for AI systems to comprehend users’ preferences, calendars, and external data sources for optimal performance.

Sam Altman also discussed OpenAI’s upcoming GPT-5, highlighting its enhanced reasoning capabilities, improved accuracy, and multimodal support for speech, image, code, and video. The model, initiated in training last year, is expected to be a significant improvement over GPT-4.

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One of the largest contributors to OpenAI, Microsoft has pledged more than 10 billion dollars for use by this organization. It has been reported that OpenAI is in the early stages of raising new capital which would be known to place its value at and above $100 billion.

According to Tom’s Guide, GPT-5, the upcoming flagship large language model by OpenAI is expected to play a major part in attaining more capable and smarter AI systems. Altman claimed major advances over GPT-4, highlighting the model’s vastly improved understanding of sophisticated questions.

Governments Must Take Action

Sam Altman called for a global regulatory body to keep an eye on powerful AI systems because they could have big effects on society and politics. He suggested that this body deal with issues like model outputs, copyright, and the fact that different countries have diverse ideas about regulating AI. 

Last week, Sam Altman met with Republican US House Speaker Mike Johnson on Capitol Hill, focusing on the risks and promises of AI. According to Reuters, the discussions aimed to strike a balance between fostering innovation and mitigating AI risks in the legislative process. 

With Europe leading in AI regulations, the US Congress, marked by polarization, faces challenges in passing effective legislation. Altman expressed excitement about the legislative process, emphasizing OpenAI’s commitment to navigating the complex landscape of AI regulation.

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