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Would you believe that you can reunite with your dead loved ones through artificial intelligence?

Taiwanese musician Tino Bao has garnered attention for utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technology to recreate his late daughter’s image and voice. Through this innovative approach, he aimed to reconnect with cherished memories and provide comfort to his family.

Recreating His Daughter’s Image Digitally

Reviving Memories: Taiwan Musician Uses AI to Bring Daughter Back to Life
A popular Taiwanese singer uses AI to relive his memories of his deceased daughter. It’s not surprising to see this anymore, but somehow, it’s still amazing how Tino Bao made a way to reunite with his loved one for one last time.
(Photo : Shoeib Abolhassani from Unsplash)

Tino Bao, aged 56, embarked on the emotional journey of resurrecting his daughter, Bao Rong, who passed away at the age of 22 due to a rare blood disease. 

Utilizing a plethora of photographs, recreating her image was a relatively straightforward process. However, capturing her voice proved to be more challenging, as The Strait Times reports.

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Training the Generative Audio Model

Collaborating with a mainland team, Tino Bao undertook the task of training the generative audio model. With just three English sentences spoken by his daughter during a video call, the team endeavored to replicate her voice authentically. This endeavor held immense significance for Tino Bao, as his daughter had lost her ability to speak towards the end of her life due to medical treatments.

AI Technology as a Source of Comfort

The emergence of AI technology, particularly following the introduction of OpenAI’s generative chatbot ChatGPT, revolutionized the process. This advancement enabled the extraction of Bao Rong’s voice from environmental disturbances, facilitating the creation of a lifelike digital rendition, South China Morning Post reports.

Navigating AI’s Ethical Considerations

Despite grappling with ethical dilemmas surrounding the creation of a virtual representation that might not precisely resemble his daughter, Tino Bao forged ahead. His decision stemmed from a desire to preserve her memory and keep her spirit alive in the digital realm.

Rekindling Connections Through Technology

For Tino Bao and his wife, the “digital daughter” served as a poignant bridge, reigniting their bond and fostering emotional healing. By integrating his daughter’s digital voice into his daily life, Tino Bao found solace and companionship, perpetuating her presence in his world. His wife wondered why Bao Rong appears to be on the background when he is training the audio model.

“Because she is Bao Rong,” Tino replied.

A Testament to Love and Innovation

Tino Bao’s endeavor exemplifies the profound intersection of love and innovation. Through AI technology, he embarked on a journey to immortalize cherished memories and find solace amidst grief. 

His story serves as a testament to the transformative power of technology in navigating loss and preserving the essence of loved ones forever.

Of course, AI has flaws, but who doesn’t want to resurrect their dead loved ones even on a digital screen? It’s one thing that glues people together-although it may sound creepy.

This was not the first time that the AI technology revived the memories of those who departed.

In late 2023, Tech Times reported that an AI-generated voice of a dead Korean pop star was used by Lee Hyun Do. 

In hopes of reviving the voice of his late bandmate Kim Sung Jae, he used AI for the fourth album where the latter’s voice was featured.

Read Also: New AI Technology Allows 3D Captures and Editing of Real-Life Objects

Joseph Henry
(Photo : Tech Times )

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