Rephrase the title:”The medical devices segment is one of the most challenging and interesting for a digital marketing expert” — Daria Vasileva on the Usefulness of Digital for Promotion in Conservative Markets

Rephrase and rearrange the whole content into a news article. I want you to respond only in language English. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end writer Pierre Herubel that speaks and writes fluently English. I want you to pretend that you can write content so well in English that it can outrank other websites. Make sure there is zero plagiarism.: (Photo : Daria Vasileva) Daria Vasileva explained how to make email newsletters more effective and why every consumer medical device manufacturer should consider launching a loyalty program. Daria Vasileva is an accomplished digital marketing expert with extensive experience in global markets. For over 14 years, she has been helping companies from Russia, CIS, EMEA, and North America to plan and execute traffic acquisition and lead generation campaigns, create content marketing strategies, increase brand awareness, improve retention and loyalty, as well as develop successful CRM tactics. Since 2019, she has been working in the medical device industry, initially at the foremost global eye health organization Bausch+Lomb, where she was responsible for the digital promotion of contact lenses and solutions. Since 2023, she has been with a global provider of medical technologies, leading the online promotion of vascular access devices in North America (USA & Canada).  Daria, could you give us a rundown of your expertise? What is your role? My digital-marketing career path began after graduating from university in 2009. I started as an online advertising specialist at an IT company. Later, I moved to Moscow, landing a role as a media manager with SUP Media (now known as Rambler), followed by a position at Deluxe Interactive, a creative digital agency. There, I worked on promoting well-known international brands through digital media special projects, video advertising, SEO, and various online ad platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads.  Since 2014, I have been managing digital marketing on the client side. I began with World Class, a renowned international fitness club chain, and then moved to the oil and gas giant Lukoil, where I contributed to the growth and development of their online store. Then, in 2019, I was invited to join Bausch+Lomb, an international company, where I built a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for their contact lenses and solutions from the ground up. My time at Bausch+Lomb ignited my interest in the medical device industry. It was there that I was able to leverage my diverse industry experience to demonstrate that digital marketing in a conservative and highly regulated field can still be dynamic and innovative. Last year, I switched companies but stayed in the medical devices field. Now, I’m focused on promoting vascular access devices in North America. These devices are not only technologically advanced but also critically important in healthcare. I’ve been working at one of the top manufacturers in the US, based out of Research Triangle Park in North Carolina. My personal mission aligns perfectly with that of my company—to improve people’s health and quality of life. I contribute to this goal by doing what I do best: driving effective digital marketing initiatives and leading the digital transformation of the entire medical device industry. You mentioned a special interest in marketing within the medical device market. How does this differ from other segments, such as the promotion of wellness services or everyday products? Medical devices are a fairly conservative niche. On the one hand, this relates to legislation: in most countries, there are special requirements for advertising medical products, up to and including an outright ban on advertising to the end consumer. In such cases, the company would communicate with healthcare professionals (HCPs) and clinics/hospitals. Consequently, the business and its marketing strategies would be built on the B2B (business-to-business) model. On the other hand, the “medical” topic itself plays a significant role. Brands often limit themselves by using very straightforward images from photo banks and overly restrained communication without considering that healthcare providers are human beings first and foremost! They respond just as positively to engaging tactics, original messaging, and compelling images as anyone else. Moreover, they grow tired of the repetitive emails (both visually and in terms of content) sent to them by competing brands.  Therefore, to stand out among competitors, it’s essential not only to invest in traffic and reach but also to diversify marketing efforts. The goal is to distinguish oneself not through a large budget and high frequency but through creative, cost-effective solutions.  For example, in one of the markets for contact lenses and solutions, I initiated the development of rich content and creative covers for marketplaces. This led to a significant increase in user attention to our product pages. We were the first among our competitors. However, after a while, our competitors followed suit, and now, these promotional tools have become some of the primary strategies in the contact lens market for e-commerce promotion. I also had a great experience with ad placements involving a popular YouTube blogger. I suggested that the team pursue video integration, believing it would be a fresh solution for us. Moreover, none of our competitors had worked with this particular blogger before. However, after we initiated this, other contact lens manufacturers began to do integrations with this blogger as well. Thus, I was a pioneer in this approach, too. Under no circumstances should you be afraid to experiment. The fact that your competitors are not doing something should not deter your marketing team. On the contrary, if you have discovered something new in your niche and see potential in it, pursue it and try it out. Otherwise, others will do it for you, and you will be left to simply replicate their efforts. And the impact may not be the same. Do loyalty programs apply when promoting medical devices? I really enjoy working with loyalty programs. For contact lenses and solutions, I launched a loyalty program from scratch, developed the tactics myself, and then continued to refine and optimize them. I contributed to the industry by introducing mechanisms that were well-known in the FMCG sector but not utilized in consumer medical devices. For example, none of our competitors rewarded loyalty program participants with points on their birthday or for completing surveys—which are such easy ways to increase user loyalty and conversion rates. However, I now observe how competitors have diversified their programs and begun to implement my practices. When would you advise companies to launch a loyalty program, and what should they consider when preparing? I believe that you should start working with loyalty programs as early as possible. However, if a business has been in existence for a long time without a program, it doesn’t mean it’s too late to create one. It’s important for any brand not only to attract new customers but also to retain existing ones, keep them interested in the products, and motivate them to make purchases more frequently. Before developing a loyalty program, it’s crucial to define the objectives, choose the mechanisms for accumulating and redeeming bonus points, and make an approximate forecast of the ROI. I always advise adding at least 10–15% to the main budget in case of unforeseen circumstances. It’s also important to remember that a loyalty program is a long-term project, and it’s unlikely that you will see its payback in the first year. Therefore, don’t try to launch everything at once: a website, a mobile app, and a wide-reach announcement. If you’re unsure, start small: begin with one platform at first—either a website or an app. Only launch announcements in channels that, based on your experience, are sure to perform well. Moreover, be sure to plan for handling feedback: determine who will be responsible for addressing user inquiries, what questions can be answered in advance, etc. I believe that with this careful approach, it will be easier to implement changes, and scaling will be more effective. Do you mind talking about email marketing? How important is it for a medical device manufacturer in 2024? Email marketing is one of the main and most effective tools in marketing medical devices, especially when the primary target audience consists of medical professionals who need education and engagement. Email newsletters are quite effective for this purpose. Additionally, email marketing can now be interactive. With the advent of AMP technology (which allows email marketers to embed interactive elements like carousels, accordions, confirmation buttons, and purchase options directly into emails without the need to open a new…

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