Title: “World of Horror: An Eerily Relevant Game That Reflects Our Post-Covid Existence”
Release Date: October 19, 2023
Polish developer Pawel Kozminski has created a truly unique and captivating game with World of Horror. Set in a fictional Japanese town in 1984, this game manages to eloquently capture the mood of our post-Covid world. With its mix of alienation and ceaseless anxiety, World of Horror feels incredibly relevant to our current predicament.
World of Horror is a roguelike adventure with RPG elements, branching paths, and hidden-object puzzles. It plays like an experimental Fighting Fantasy campaign, where the rules can change at any moment. The goal is to solve paranormal mysteries and prevent the arrival of an elder god that will bring catastrophe to the town. With 24 different scenarios, each with multiple endings, the game offers endless replayability.
The game’s striking presentation is inspired by the art of manga legend Junji Ito. The nightmarish creatures and environments are masterfully drawn and designed in a 1-bit palette, giving them an uncanny aura. The use of Microsoft’s MS Paint, a graphics editor from the 80s, further enhances the game’s unique atmosphere.
World of Horror also surprises players with its innovative investigation mechanics. Each scenario introduces new twists and mechanics that constantly subvert and obfuscate the gameplay. From navigating a forest taken over by cultists to performing a ritual to guide a needle into a friend’s eye, the game keeps players on their toes.
Hidden interactions and connections throughout the game add depth and complexity. Players must engage in trial and error, take notes, and replay the game multiple times to uncover all of its secrets. World of Horror brilliantly captures the confusion and uncertainty of facing unfathomable entities with limitless power.
The game’s themes of loneliness, isolation, and mistrust resonate deeply. Each scenario involves familiar places and people, but they become twisted and dangerous. World of Horror evokes a suffocating sense of profound sadness that lingers long after the game is turned off.
World of Horror is accessible to players with its mouse controls and optional controller support. It offers various palettes and window scaling options. The game is available in multiple languages, including French, German, and Japanese.
As a reviewer, I engaged with World of Horror during its Early Access phase and spent approximately 12 hours playing the final version. The game worked smoothly on both my desktop PC and an older laptop, though the latter provided a more immersive and terrifying experience.
If you’re looking for a game that captures the essence of our post-Covid existence, World of Horror is a must-play. Its unique blend of horror, mystery, and investigative gameplay makes it a standout title in the genre. Get ready to face your fears and immerse yourself in the nightmarish world of World of Horror.