“Tesla Giga Texas Incidents: Explosions, Injuries Related to Robots, and Increased Worker Claims”

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From the outside and through the social media’s lens, Tesla’s Gigafactories are safe; but new claims from its employees and workers are now sharing the horrors within its walls, especially with its tech. Giga Texas is the home of the Cybertruck and the Model Y, but what remained unknown to the public until now reports of explosions, robot-related injuries, and other incidents. 

While it is true that plants and factories have unforeseen accidents or happenings, the number that piled up now and was revealed via reports is a gritty reality for those who face it every day. 

Tesla’s Giga Texas Mayhem: Explosions, Robot-Related Injuries

Tesla Giga Texas

(Photo : SUZANNE CORDEIRO/AFP via Getty Images)

Giga Texas is best known as the main plant of the Cybertruck, but a recent report from The Information claimed various gruesome incidents that occurred in the past year that highlight the mayhem it faces. Tesla is known for using robotic arms for different phases in production, but one report claimed that in 2021, an engineer approached one and got pinned to the wall. 

It was believed to be shut down but attacked said engineer which resulted in a bloody scene as recounted by witnesses. 

Injury reports were submitted to OSHA, with one submitted by Tesla to Travis County, Texas reportedly not matching witness accounts. 

Read Also: UPDATE: Tesla Cybertruck Reselling Clause Removed, No Longer Seeks to Sue Owners

Are Workers Not Safe in Gigafactory Texas in Austin?

The Verge also noted an incident back in New Year’s 2023 where an explosion occurred in the metal casting area, an incident which remains unclear if it was reported to OSHA. Other accidents saw falling equipment dropping near workers, with some directly to employees leaving them with fractures and punctured lungs. 

A great deal of reports highlight the dangers Giga Texas workers face in their daily operations, with The Information noting that one out of every 21 employees was harmed in 2022. 

Tesla’s Giga Texas and Gigafactories

When Elon Musk and the base of Tesla’s operations moved to Texas, it also established Gigafactory Texas as a place of opportunities, offering more than 20,000 jobs for the locals and those nearby. Much like other Gigafactories in the world, Tesla’s production plants see multitudes of workers joining it, especially as it claimed that this would ramp up production of its different EV models. 

However, fast forward to more than a year later, several complaints came flooding in, with workers filing lawsuits against Tesla for their alleged labor breaches, as well as neglect to its workforce. It was said that workers were made to undertake dangerous tasks without the proper safety training, with others also claiming unpaid overtime work in Giga Texas. 

Musk and Tesla recently celebrated Giga Texas for finishing the Cybertruck and soon delivering massive orders for its electric pickup, best known for relying on its die-cast machine.

However, the untold horrors with supplementary reports that detail the everyday dangers workers face within Giga Texas were only revealed now, with injury claims presenting a scrutiny against how the company treats its workers. 

Related Article: Tesla Gigafactory Workers Flee in Panic After Receiving Active Shooter Alert; Texas Police Continue to investigate

Isaiah Richard

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