What is ‘Phase-Change’ Memory and How Was it Utilized to Defeat a Human ‘Street Fighter’ Champion by AI?

AI Triumphs Over Human Champion in Street Fighter Arcade Game

In a remarkable display of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, a human champion in the renowned arcade fighting game “Street Fighter” was recently defeated by an AI opponent. This feat was achieved through the use of a cutting-edge technology known as “phase-change” memory, which enabled the AI to claim victory over the original champion.

The phenomenon of AI triumphing over human champions has become increasingly prevalent in various games, fields, and industries. Advancements in machine learning and development have played a significant role in these achievements.

A study conducted by researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) shed light on the AI’s victory in Street Fighter. The researchers developed new software that facilitated the AI’s training in understanding the complexities of the game. Deep learning and the D-PPO algorithm of Street Fighter Champion Edition II were utilized to enhance the AI’s strategic prowess.

The study’s findings suggest that this software has potential applications beyond gaming. It could be instrumental in improving robotics and autonomous vehicles, requiring minimal training time.

The AI’s success in Street Fighter can be attributed to its utilization of Phase-Change Memory. The AI’s SF-R2 AI was trained for just two consecutive days against the game’s computers using this technology. Afterwards, the AI willingly lost to a human player only to come back and effortlessly defeat them once more.

This AI software holds promise for observing and reproducing human behavior, norms, and actions. It has the potential to replicate and surpass human capabilities in various domains.

The victory in Street Fighter adds to the growing list of instances where AI has triumphed over human opponents. OpenAI, for instance, successfully defeated humans in Valve’s DOTA 2 game. Another example is the “AlphaDogfight Trial” conducted by DARPA, where an AI developed by Lockheed Martin outperformed a human pilot in flying fighter jets.

Machine learning has demonstrated its adaptability and precision in the realm of computer games and programs. Its astonishing capabilities continue to challenge human supremacy.

The recent battle between AI and a Street Fighter champion highlights the AI’s ability to quickly adapt and excel in competitive gaming. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing advancements in AI technology and its potential impact on various industries.

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